My Story

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Allison W. Freedman, and I am the owner and founder of Arrange Wander Focus. I am a Certified Professional Photo Organizer, Privacy Advocate, and an active member of The Photo Managers

I started this business in 2021 as a way to combine my passion for organizing, photography, and helping others share and tell their stories.

Your Trusted Guide

Arrange Wander Focus is a very personal business.

It requires you to trust me with your most precious and private memories, so you should know who I am.

Here’s a bit about my journey and how I got here:

My Journey

I look different depending on where you find me.

And which lens you use. But I’m the same person.

That’s the beauty of the photograph.

Vacation Me.

Today Me.

Lawyer Me.

I took a circuitous route to get here. My career path went something like this:

I learned different things from every one of these experiences, and have rolled it all up into Arrange Wander Focus. This business allows me to combine my love of organizing, photography, and helping others share and tell their stories.

Let’s get started, today.