Introducing the Inside Photo Organizing Podcast!

I have teamed up with Susan Wolak from Save a Memory to bring you the latest tips and tricks through our new podcast, Inside Photo Organizing! Every month we will discuss the strategies, software and hardware that we use to organize our clients’ photos and solve their photo problems, along with the latest trends in the industry.

We will provide photo organizing tips and tricks for everyone from the person who wants to DIY to other pros in our industry. We’ll discuss current software and hardware news about Photo and Digital asset Management - a moving target as this is a very fast moving industry.

Over time we’ll provide both quick tips you can implement immediately - such as how to quickly find and clean out your screenshots - to more in-depth discussion about the best cloud storage solutions, how to handle and preserve your physical photos, how to best enjoy your recently converted videos, and so much more.

On our first episode we interviewed Cathi Nelson, the founder and CEO of The Photo Managers. The Photo Managers offers certification so that you know, when hiring a certified photo manager, that they are following best practices in dealing with both the actual organizing and the ethical concerns when working with a client’s photos. Photo privacy is one great example of this, and one we will address on an upcoming episode.

We will also be answering YOUR questions, so let me know what you’d like to learn below or fill out the form on our Inside Photo Organizing podcast site with your specific question, and we’ll try to answer it on air on a future episode.

Please find Inside Photo Organizing on your favorite podcast provider (Apple, Spotify, Amazon and more) and give us a follow. You can also find each episode right here on the Arrange Wander Focus website.

Thanks for listening!


Photo Privacy: What is it and why should you care?


Three Ways to Share and Collect Photos with Family or Friends on Vacation